Friday, February 27, 2009

Visual Week:My Dog

I have some pictures of my dog. He is a Boston Terrier and he is almost 3 years old. His name is Ozzy (yes, he was named after Ozzy Osbourne).

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Visual Week: Homemade Ninja Stars

Hey. Remember those Homemade Ninja Stars I told you about? Well I have picture(s)!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Visual Week

Ok. Starting from this Wednesday to the next one, the YSLC blog will be participating in "Visual Week". This is a week of fun visual post such as pictures and videos. To start things off we will have a picture of my guitar(which I don't know how to play).

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Weird Phenomenom

I have noticed while playing my new game Mercenaries 2:World in Flames that there is a strange phenomenom. After exploring the foothills near your Private Millitary Company HQ I came back to the road and found an empty "Chopper" motorcycle. It has happened about 5 times to me and I felt an ure to tell the public. If you own this game, be on the lookout for "Ghost Choppers"!

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Winter Weekend

This week and last week was "Winter Weekend" at my school. Last week we had "Era Day", "Twin/Clash Day", "Pajama Day", "Class Color Day", and "Formal Day" (in a previous post I explained how I missed Twin Day). Then on Saturday-Wednesday I practiced for the Talent Show (which is really a competition between the high school and jr. high grades where each grade does like some skits). On Thursday we had the Talent Show, we tied for 3rd. Friday we had an open skate, volleyball tournament, and snow sculptures. Saturday, we had class games and a "formal dance" which was from 7pm to 11pm. I just sat/stood there for 5 hours (I don't like to dance). The DJ only played like, 6 good songs the whole time! So, there's my Winter Weekend for you!(No hamsters included)

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Awesome Book!

I got this book the other day, Chuck Norris VS Mr. T. It is awesome, and the sequel to a book I got perviously last year, The Truth About Chuck Norris. Both are by Ian Spector, the creator of the original Chuck Norris Facts website. What I really enjoy about CNVSMT is that it features 200 facts for both, and they are orgainsied in a manner so that YOU the reader can decide with of them is better. I still think Chuck is the winner, but Mr. T is pretty awesome aswell.

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pencil Sharpeners? World Domination?

Hi. I am aware it has been awhile since I have last posted but I would like to tell you why. Ok, well about two weeks or more ago I was in Lake Placid, N.Y. all weekend, then I came back and like a week later got sick on a Wedsnday and missed Twin Day at school so I missed out dressing like Fonzy. Then I have been busy with homework and such. So, I am back now and an urgent message has come to mind: What. If. Pencil. Sharpeners. Have been planning. World. Domination? I mean who would know? WE can communicate with them. They just sit there.....and eat pencils.......and sit there............................ ..... .. . ...... .. . ... .. .. .............. . . . . ....and eat pencils. Well I found a way to stop them. PENS. (2=2=4)(DING DONG!!). PENCIL sharpeners can't sharpen pens. So everyone writes with pens.............sharpeners starve?.........we win. (...)

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