Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Homemade Ninja Throwing Stars

I was bored yesterday so I made some shurikens, aka ninja stars, out of blank CDs. I don't have a picture here yet, because I don't know how to transfer pictures from my camera. I currently have two stars, both custumized with my own symbol which spells my initials. When thrown they can go through and puncture paper (I used the kind of paper used for newspapers). I can pierce some cardboard, or sometimes they just bounce off. To make these suckers, all you have to do is take a permenant marker and draw your star design, cut it out, and optionally sharpen it. It takes less than five minutes to make one star.

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  1. Lol nice...
    Iv'e been working on my own designs but instead of CD's i use the hard disks from old hard dives they work like a charm!!
