Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pirates or Ninjas?

Pirates or Ninjas? Who would win the fight? What would come of two of most awesome forces ever collided? I'll tell you what what come. The Ninja would win. Plain and simple. Nothing against Pirates though. What with all the "ARR!"s and the beards and the curved swords and the ship battles, they do some pretty sick stuff. But, now you're talking about Ninjas. NINJAS! Ninjas have a very large selection of killing devices, are masters of stealth and sneakiness, wear sweet black outfits(called guis), and they jump around and do flips and stuff. Now face that against a 240 pound bearded ruffian who drinks rum all day with a saber......Ninja. The Ninja would probaly hide behind him, stab him with several swords, throw shurikens at him, pull off a large amount of martial arts moves, and break his neck in a matter of seconds. Remeber, guns don't kill people, Ninjas do.....

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